DStats 1.0

  Working on this...

DStats 1.0

Change to Program Settings
  Administrative Page
    Save Time option
      If you choose this option, the graphing and top-ten information will run faster than if
      you don't check it.  Here are the tradeoffs:
        -Checked=Faster, HOGS entire machine - nothing else processes, Uses lots of HD space
        -UNChecked=Slower, Uses little resources - you can do other things and no HD space used

Weekly Filtered Graph Dialog (Selective Objects is here!!!)
  When you press the button to enter the criteria, you have a new dialog box that asks for the
  begin date, whether or not you want to do a general pattern filter, or you want to do a specific
  object name filter.  If you choose general, enter a pattern, and the search will be done to find
  your text within the object names.  If you choose specific, press the button that allows you
  to indicate which objects you want used.

View Data Dialog
  Major Change!!!  It comes up almost immediately now.  It isn't pretty yet, but it is getting 
  there.  It now shows a table of accesses at the top that you can scroll through and right
  below, it shows the object's, site's, and authusers' information for that particular access.
  Right now, there is not particular sorting options, but that will be forthcoming.  At the very
  bottom, there are two tables that are independent of the top form.  The first is the table
  of objects and the second is the table of sites.

  I have placed more hourglasses when things will take awhile.  Some users thought nothing was
  going on and didn't understand why it was not working.  Now there is a clear indication that
  DStats is busy.  If you catch any that I haven't, let me know.

Table Changes
  No table changes in this one, so if you unzip the archive to another directory, all you have to copy
  is the stuff in the root level and not the /data or /docs directory.  The .ini has changed so you 
  will lose your settings when you copy over it.  If you want, save your old .ini and move your info
  into the new one.  I believe all of the groups and items in the new .ini are named the same as the
  old one, but there are new items.

Version Information
  As you know, I have been using 1.0.  I do not plan on raising the version until I have all of the
  options in there that I feel are basic to the concept.  I will continue to put the date that I
  put the info out for downloading into the caption of the form.

The Eliminator
  Still need to give option to put the Eliminator patterns into affect during the adding of the log
  information.  This would save some time later.

  Yet to be done.

8/26/1995 There have been changes to the tables, dstats.ini, and dstats.exe. You will have to unzip the file into a directory (can be same one, but should empty it first) with the -d parameter. If you want to keep your old data, you will have to move it somewhere else and import it yourself. I am changing this too often to provide for data importing. If you have familiarity with databases, it should be fairly simple for you to do.
The info under the /docs directory is accurate, but outdated. What is there is accurate, but is lacking on many of the new things that have been added.